"10 Things I Learned this Weekend..."

1. Cherish the Ones you Love, You never know.....
2. Anything worth having you can certainly wait for.
3. Sometimes just always being honest (even if it embarrasses you) can save the moment and the day.
4. Gardening is a lot of fun, and rather addicting...try it!
5. Sometimes one helpful person can restore your faith in Humanity.
6. I love Summer but I am enjoying the winter this year in the bay...
7. A male friend criticized me many times this year for being "too sentimental." At the time he hurt my feelings, but I have     decided that's silly. I am very sentimental and this is not a weakness...It is actually one of my strengths.
8. Turn off the phones (home & cell) a few hours a week.
9. Sometimes pretty flowers spread around the house can change the mood.
10. Occasionally you can have the Best & the Worst Day at the same time and survive.

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