Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"Things you might like to know about me..."

♥) I crave shades of white down filled furnishings at home.
♥) I need to be around those I love frequently....and often.
♥) I strive to stay positive.
♥) I don't always succeed.
♥) I have learned to create & savour everyday moments, you never know.
♥) I believe in the power of keeping a journal...of any kind.
♥) I Love my children & grandchildren more than words can speak or measurements can conclude.
♥) I still cling to the simple philosophy that one should wake each day with a smile, do your very best always, never hurt anyone purposely, be grateful, humble, and kind. End your day on a positive note, and never ever go to bed angry.

Thank ♥ you for reading....♥
Tamra J
Charming Urban Chic

1 comment:

Sandra said...

These things are what make you a beautiful person, Tammy. I hope all is well. I'll be checking in on you frequently to see what wonderful ideas you have up your sleeve. Take care, friend.