Tuesday, February 15, 2011

10 things I Learned this Weekend...

10 Things I Learned this Weekend.....

1) Going to San Francisco alone with just my camera for the day was good for my SouL ! *wink*
2) Ice cold beer + pizza + interesting conversation = a good night ...always!
3) When one of your grown children gets their heart broken = you get your heart broken right along with them.. *big sigh*
4) If you don't make time for things you want to do, you never will.
5) Sometimes trying to capture the moment on camera can actually steal the moment. *sigh*
6) Bat sized moths are no joke! *really*
7) Singing & dancing to 80's music around the house when alone, is a blast! Try it... *happy dance*
8) I feel like surrounding myself with all new houseplants...spring is in the air....*sigh*
9) Sometimes it is perfectly acceptable to rock the grocery store in your slippers that looks like slip on Uggs...who is to know? *smiles*
10) Never ever underestimate the power of a Hug. No words are necessary *shhhh*

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