Monday, January 24, 2011

"10 Things I Learned this Weekend..."

10 things I Learned this Weekend...

1) Never underestimate the power of saying your Sorry.
2) MadMen Season: 4 ..finished! Ugh! I can't wait until May!!
3) Life is too short to worry about tomorrow.
4) No matter hold old our daughters get when she/they visit, Mom's things are always borrowed.
Keeps us close with memories, and forms new ones with new daughters!
5) Serge Normant's hair products are perfect for my wild curly untamed hair! Ty Julia Roberts for the Tip!
6) It is fun to surprise the one you Love with little notes he will stumble upon while away on business trips..(spray a bit of your perfume on them too!)
7) I always seem to overpack for everything! (you know...just in case *wink*)
8) While visiting a friends house if homemade Rice Krispy Treats are being made, go for a long run instead! (bathing suits are already on the racks in January! yikes)
9) It is best not to attempt to wear a loose dress on a windy day! (trust me on this..*wink*)
10) I still have so much to Learn on this Journey we so casually call Life....enjoy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I Love these and look forward to Monday eves when I can sit down and read them! Thanks!