Monday, January 17, 2011

"10 Things I Learned this Weekend..."

10 Things I Learned this Weekend...
1) We must always remind ourselves, there is a big difference between wanting & needing...
2) I adore the way the Ocean looks on a grey, cloudy days!
3) Clearing away clutter can be so therapeutic & gets the New Year off correctly...
4) Long drives are better when you have good company, good music & lots of snacks! (*wink* I have proven this!)
5) Although I won't buy them, I will indeed eat the entire bag of cheese puffs if you leave them next to me...(you've been warned~he he)
6) I am much more blessed than I ever really understood. (and for this I am very grateful. I need to remember this one daily)
7) You can be who ever you want to be, so choose wisely!
8) A one minute kiss burns 26 calories, apparently. (*wink-wink*)
9) You really are only as old as you feel....Hhmmm (how old is that today friends?)

10) Somedays are just stay at home, order take-out food kinda days...try not to fight it..(*wink*)

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