Friday, December 3, 2010

Time flies when you're not looking...

For me, November was a "wallflower" kind of a month - It arrived quickly & quietly empty handed before we even realized Summer had ended,it sighed and looking around rather unimpressed with it's surroundings, stood against the wall (can a month feel bored & unimpressed ?) preceded to add 5 lbs+ to everyone from the Thanksgiving feast & various over indulgences, barely attempted to make small talk and quietly left before anyone could ask it to dance! Oh November! Of course it knew full well that most people were scurrying about like little mice in a maze thinking of the Christmas holidays creeping or should I say leaping upon us and  suitably we were all distracted planning for that next holiday, as if this one had come and gone.*laughing*

Thankfully December arrived wearing its very best "dancing shoes" like Dorothy with her ruby reds,December came with a big smile carrying an armful of gifts or as I like to say tasks that cannot be ignored. *wink*. Break out the pencil & paper many a list to be compiled. No time for procrastination or it is going to be a rough month, and who wants coal in their stocking for not doing it all perfect? Not me. If I was a betting chic and I am not, I would definitely put all my money on this month being an exhausting but happy winner! Certainly how could it not be a great month with so many grand elaborate, and some not so elaborate things in store for us ? ~ such as: chilling in the winter weather or freezing like a popsicle depending on your geographical location (this is why I stay on the west coast, Brrrrr), making a snowman, making snow angels, caroling, skiing in Lake Tahoe,baking the fruitcake that everyone throws immediately in the garbage, catching up with lovely people a few you might like to forget ummm (did I type that out loud ? nah..), eating enormous amounts of empty high calorie Christmas food and  adult refreshments, since it's the Holidays those calories don't count (always been my rule, this is set in stone! so enjoy), relaxing & reading lots of books (in all that spare time you have,right? not), dashing madly through multiple malls and speciality shops looking for know that, that 'that thing,' whew found begins the ritual of wrapping & shipping all that hard work off to family and friends near and far, knowing without a doubt someone will choose to be unhappy with your well thought out gift. The Christmas Cards, don't forget anyone or you will be humiliated on facebook by the "forgotten one"  being deemed a leper amongst those you did remember (for the huddled masses stick together~ in public anyway)...there comes the tree, decorating, stockings, wrapping gifts, and the Christmas parties..Ugh (many of which you would rather not attend, but you will graciously), groceries galore, (where do we put them all?) if you have children of any age, they have been asking for that one special gift for months,you know the one they can't live without ?!?  Everyone will have it and they just must, so as dutiful parents we make this our top priority even if it means standing in lines until your frozen, been trampled, threatened with violence if you don't let some crazed shopper skip ahead in line because they're time is more important than yours, the inevitable sneaky blood clots forming in your lower extremities from the long lines, and a cascade of other dangerous maladies we endure, to find out you arrive home hide your great finds in the back of the closet for wrapping, pat yourself on the back, job well done...and when the children arrive home they make a comment that what they asked for all year isn't cool anymore now they want something you can't possibly get your hands on, (again everyone will have..Ugh!) but as parents we will leap small & large buildings at a single bound to get that new 'thing', and in the blink of an eye, Poof! it will be over. I am exhausted and remembering my childhood just typing about it, although it makes me smile and gives me a sense of calm & belonging. And finally if your smart go away on some mini getaway (even if that means taking your phone off the hook, no emails, no cell phones & staying home for a few days with the hubby & kids, or you and the pet(s), or just plain solo for many...a night at the B & B....the possibilities are indeed endless !
*doing a happy dance now*  
Take a deep breath New Years is here !! 


Sandra said...

Oh, the ethereal nature of time. The older I get the easier it is for time to slip through my fingers and like you said, "in the blink of an eye, poof!" It is over! What do I have to show for it? Unfortunately, time tends to leave one significant, tangible calling card...the new and improved lines on my face!

I'll take your advice and "take a deep breath" because the new year is right around the corner and it will be "time" for "time" to slip through my fingers once again.

Love your blog, Tamra! I look forward to reading more. My Best, Sandra

Tamra J. said...

Dearest Sandra,
You are an amazing, sweet, caring friend who gets that we make the best of everything. And I beg to look stunning, time has definitely been on your side my dear. Hope you visit my blog, as I am new to this so bear with me!
Always, Tamra

Jenny said...

This is awesome!
Blog, baby, blog!!!
Love & Support, Jenny

Tamra J. said...

you are my inspiration Jenny! xxoo Tamra