Wednesday, December 8, 2010


As children, we are born with innate sense of fearlessness, no boundaries, unencumbered by doubt, 'unaware that we can't jump off the roof into the pool'...( viva Lake Havasu...) when our parents have turned their backs or get an adult night out. (babysitters are too busy talking to their boyfriends on the phone, playing on the computer or watching television) which makes our precious off spring completely free to explore any and all possibilities with no regard to the dangers that could and most likely will be lurking just around the corner. We are fearless hear us Roar! (as they would say *wink wink*) In contrast, as we age that little nagging voice inside our minds increases at warp speed to caution all of us to avoid risk at any cost. (some of us, but  not me! I always embrace my inner child),There is a quote I love........"What would you attempt to do, if you knew you couldn't get caught?"... ~ unknown author. This thought reminds us of the value and amusement of the child's mind and perspective. That innovation and rapid fearless progress require and demand that we as adults march boldly forward, thus abandoning our fear of failure and seizing the moment while we can!
It reminds me of when I was raising my children. Oh the memories....(*sigh*)  One night we were all dressed to go to an event which we were commanded to by my husband  a.k.a Daddy-O to the kids (as he felt we needed so desperately to attend, understandably so). We were dressed to the nines. Clothes perfect, hair perfect, all matching (as it was late autumn) Both children did not want to go, but would never complain. They were sitting on the wicker porch swing outside attempting not to wrinkle or get a hair out of place. I saw their sad faces from my bedroom sliding doors and even as an adult I did not want to go (Ugh!). So I went outside, walked by the pool and gasped! Of course both children came running, "What Mom what ??" I took their hands and leaned a bit over the pool and said 'look' which they diligently did. Still confused, I said you must look further, so we gently held hands tighter and leaned a  little bit further. Then to their amusement and utter surprise I held tight to their hands and jumped in clothes and all! We popped to the surface sputtering and laughing hysterically, as I looked up I saw my husband, their loving dad standing silently watching, smiling and gently taking off his tie. There was a sparkle in his eye as he watched us. It was the best EVER!!!! Daddy-O went in to get us towels and never complained just laughed, and shook his head. I imagine  he was wondering who was the child and who was the adult?? (that part is a secret..) It is moments like these we need to remember......(*big smiles*).


Sandra said...

It's true Tamra! I remember those times while growing up that I did things without thinking about consequences. I know that, honestly, I am lucky to be alive! Thank goodness we become more aware of our mortality and come to our senses as we age, right? The answer for me is yes and no. Yes, for the fact that I needed to become aware and conscious of my wellbeing, but no, for the fact that sometimes I become a little too cautious for my own good. It's ok to be cautious, but not to the extent that it stifles you from doing new and exciting things that will enhance your life experience and possibly build character in the process. Life needs balance and like you so eloquently stated, "...innovation and rapid fearless progress require and demand that we as adults march boldly forward, thus abandoning our fear of failure and seizing the moment while we can!" Amen to that, my friend!

Jonathan said...

Tam, those aren't tears...I jammed a pencil in my eye. ;-) Your writing is as fearless as you were at the edge of that pool. I truly enjoy it...and stop making me cry! That's an order!

Tamra J. said...

You guys are so sweet. Thank you for taking time out of your busy lives to read and comment, it means more than you'll ever know ! It's hard to write things down and wonder if the people who read it "get it." I cannot Thank you enough.......

Jenny said...

I love how life works! My girlfriend & I where just talking about this subject. How as we have aged we have become more fearful in everything we do. I guess it's a common paradox as we get older. One that cannot be explained or understood until you reach "this" age. I never would have believed that I would have so many fears or be so relunctant to reach any edge when I was younger. I would have done anything (and I did!) in my youth. I'm just not sure if it is indeed fear or is it wisdom. The wisdom in knowing that my actions have consequences. The wisdom in knowing that life is short and that with youth comes a belief that life will last forever. What's most interesting is how common it is in all of us. How to keep the fearless girl around with the mature woman of today...hmm

Jenny said...

Hey "Pure Imagination" from Willy Wonka on You Tube. You'll love it!!!

Unknown said...

This is why I Love you. You are so charming baby! Please keep writing...Jake